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TV presenter training is vital if you want give yourself the best chance of landing professional work. I am now offering this as part of a 3 day workshop and on a One-to-One basis.


The 3 Day presenter training workshop is perfect for any aspiring television presenters who are looking to gain time on camera in a studio and on location. The coaching is led by myself and other colleagues who are currently working within TV or video production.


The 3 day workshop is also great for anyone keen to build their confidence for public speaking, and group presentations. As a result, you will leave feeling confident and capable, making your next work presentation or video blog a breeze.


Over the course of the 3 days, we film  ‘Pieces to Camera’ on topics that personally interest the students. These PTC’s are then edited, to give each student their own presenter showreel. They can use this to showcase their talents and hopefully land their first presenting job!

The studio used for the presenter training course is the perfect size and location, and is exactly the kind of environment that the students may find themselves in when they go for an audition for TV presenting role.


In addition to the studio time, we also take the students out on to the streets of London to experience and practice what it’s like to have to deliver your lines whilst the public eyes are all around. This can be a tricky task at first and it certainly makes you think o your feet! 


For more information on TV presenter training, dates and courses that I have currently available, please visit :


Or if you simply require some advice on how to move forward within your own TV presenter training journey then drop me a line, as I’d love to help !

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